Cadets & GEMS is a scouting-type movement for children aged from 8 to 15. The children complete Bible studies and badge work. National camps are held every three years where the children from across New Zealand meet together for a week of fun, fellowship and studies.

The Cadet program was founded in 1952 in the United States of America, and was introduced into New Zealand in 1964. Since then, it has grown to 14 clubs throughout New Zealand.


What we believe
The basis of the Calvinist Cadet Corps & GEMS movement is the Word of God (the Bible) according to the concepts expressed in the Heidelberg Catechism, the Canons of Dort, and the Belgic confession. You can find more about these confessions on the Reformed Churches of New Zealand website.


National Cadet & GEMS Board
Each club is run by an overseeing Reformed Church, and the movement in New Zealand is overseen by the National Cadet & GEMS Board. You can contact the board by using the Contact Us form.